Good question, if you add the item/s into your shopping cart and then enter your postcode. You will then be given the final price for the item/s inclusive of shipping and GST.
Good question, if you add the item/s into your shopping cart and then enter your postcode. You will then be given the final price for the item/s inclusive of shipping and GST.
If you change your mind or the item does not suit the intended space, you may return your purchase to us within 30 days of the date you received it, no questions asked. We’ll give you a store credit voucher in an amount equal to the price you paid for the product, less our shipping costs. If you chose Purchase Protection during checkout we will give you a refund instead of a store credit voucher. Please send it back to us in its original packaging. Both the cost of the shipping the item to you and the cost of the return shipping will be deducted from your store credit or refund.
Unfortunately items are occasionally damaged in transit or faulty.
If an item arrives and the packaging or the item itself is clearly and significantly damaged/faulty, you should take photos or video showing the damage/fault, refuse to accept the delivery and contact us immediately. We’ll share your feedback with our delivery partners and suppliers to ensure our service and the quality of packaging is improved.
We offer payments via Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, ZipPay, Afterpay.
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Online Lighting is Australia’s largest range of interior and exterior lighting products and accessories online.